nicotin- Snuff
- Rollies
- Bifters
- Fags
- Ciggies
- Cigarettes
- Baco
- Baccy
- Tobacco
- Snout
Scientific Names: Nicotine
Generic Names: Enwau Generig: Tobacco

Desired Effects:
Reduced anxiety, relaxation.Side Effects:
Dizziness, nausea, increased pulse rate and blood pressure.Long term risks:
Dependence, bronchitis, heart disease, damage to circulation, cancers (lungs, throat, tongue). Tobacco smoking in pregnancy can result in damage to the foetus and low birth weight. Fresh tobacco, processed tobacco, and tobacco smoke contain carcinogens (cancer causing agents). All cigarettes produce 'tar' that is inhaled into the lungs via smoke, but the brands differ in amounts of tar. In the 1950s it was discovered that the tar in tobacco smoke was associated with the increased risk of lung cancer. Carbon monoxide, the main poisonous gas in car exhausts, is present in all cigarette smoke. In addition to this 600 additives are authorised for use in tobacco products many of which can be extremely harmful to the human body and health. Recent estimates show that around 82,800 people in England are killed by smoking every year, accounting for one fifth of all UK deaths.Short term risks:
Tolerance, burn injuries from fires started accidentally.