
  • Wine
  • Whiskey
  • Vodka
  • Spirits
  • Rum
  • Cider
  • Champagne
  • Brandy
  • Drink
  • Bevvy
  • Booze
  • Beer
  • Ale
  • Ethyl Alcohol
  • Ethanol

Drugs A-Z

Scientific Names: Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol

Generic Names: Enwau Generig: Alcohol

An example of what Alcohol looks like
Liquid of varying strength, from 2.8% (mild beer) to 40% (spirits). Ethanol is a solvent used in paints, perfumes & colognes, it is also used in marker pens and deodorants.

Desired Effects:

Mild intoxication, relaxation, cheerfulness, sociability.

Side Effects:

Dehydration, loss of coordination, slurred speech, disinhibition, visual disturbance, confusion.
  • Although alcohol is legal, it is a depressant drug.
  • Drinking on an empty stomach can cause you to become more drunk more quickly because the alcohol will get into your bloodstream and to your brain faster; so always make sure you eat a meal before you start drinking.
  • Try to pace drinking by having water or a soft drink between alcoholic drinks. This will give your liver a bit more time to process the alcohol and you won't feel as dehydrated.
  • If you're out with friends avoid drinking in rounds as it can be easy to lose track of what you're drinking.
  • Don't be pressured by others into drinking too much.
  • Don't be forced into drinking too quickly or get involved in drinking games.
  • Don't mix your drinks. Mixing drinks can make you more drunk and feel ill than if you just stick to one type of drink.
  • Don't leave your drink unattended and always make sure you watch your drink being opened / poured, this will avoid someone spiking it.
  • Make sure you know how you're getting home before you leave the pub / club.
  • When you get home drink some water to help rehydrate your body and dilute the alcohol in your bloodstream; when you go to bed sleep on your side in the recovery position to avoid choking if you throw up.
  • If someone is suffering bad effects like vomiting, convulsions, unconsciousness - put them in the recovery position and call for medical assistance immediately.
short term effects

Short term risks

Overdose, accidents (drunk-driving). Unconsciousness, coma, death.

desired effects

Desired risks

Mild intoxication, cheerfulness, sociability

long term effects

Long term risks

Dependence, withdrawal symptoms, significant permanent damage to the brain and other organs (heart, liver, stomach) that can be fatal.

Long term risks:

Dependence, withdrawal symptoms, significant permanent damage to the brain and other organs (heart, liver, stomach) that can be fatal.

Short term risks:

Tolerance, overdose, accidents (drunk-driving). Unconsciousness, coma, death. If used during pregnancy it could damage the developing embryo (foetal alcohol syndrome).

For information on Alcohol Related Brain Damage (ARBD), please click the link to the Alcohol Exchange website Alcohol-related brain damage - signs and symptoms | Alcohol Change UK
Psychoactive central nervous system depressant, sedative.
Pumps, bottles, glasses.
In the medical industry alcohol is used in antiseptic wipes and in most common antibacterial hand sanitiser gels.
Ethanol in its pure form is a volatile, flammable, colourless liquid. Ethanol can be produced from ethylene and used in the petrochemical industry, and it can be made by fermenting sugars with yeast for use in the alcoholic beverage industry. Alcoholic drinks are produced in distilleries and breweries throughout Britain and the world. Alcoholic drinks can be broadly split in to two groups: fermented and distilled. Fermented drinks include beers, wines and ciders; distilled beverages (spirits) are made by distilling fermented beverages and include whiskeys, brandies, rum, vodka and gin. Alcoholic drinks vary in strength (depending how much ethanol is added), they vary depending on what starting material has been used (grains, fruits etc), and also by what additional ingredients are added such as herbs or spices. It is estimated that there are over 170,000 licensed outlets such as public houses, bars, and shops in the UK alone.
Most areas of the UK have alcohol services or community alcohol projects, these may be services that provide support for all types of drug problems including specialsit alcohol workers. They offer a range of services including information and advice, counselling, and sometimes support groups and complementary therapies such as acupuncture. Some services have extended working hours and may offer weekend support. If use of this substance becomes a problem you can seek help, advice and counselling from a service in your area. GPs can make referrals to specialist alcohol and drug services. Hospital based in-patient detoxification units and out-patient units are available for alcohol dependence. There are also community based Councils on Alcohol, Community Alcohol Teams and self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) which is a 12 Step abstinence based support group.

Parents & other relatives

Many alcohol / drug agencies also provide lots of advice and support to parents, family members and partners of people using alcohol. They may provide relative support groups or advice, guidance and counselling on a one to one basis. Al-Anon is a support service for anyone who has been affected by someone elses drinking.
