
  • Downers
  • Temazzies
  • Vallies
  • Sleepers
  • Eggs
  • Benzo's
  • Tranx
  • Sleeping Tablets
  • Tranquillisers
  • Alprazolam
  • Xanax
  • Lorazepam
  • Medazepam
  • Flurazepam
  • Flunitrazepam
  • Mogadon
  • Dalmane
  • Nobrium
  • Librium
  • Normison
  • Ativan
  • Nitrazepam (Mogadon)
  • Flurazepam (Dalmane)
  • Oxazepam
  • Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)
  • Medazepam (Nobrium)
  • Lorazepam (Ativan)
  • Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
  • Diazepam (Valium)

Drugs A-Z

Scientific Names: Some familiar benzodiazepines: Diazepam (valium), Chlordiazepoxide (librium), Lorazepam (ativan), Medazepam (nobrium), Flunitrazepam (rohypnol), Oxazepam (oxazepam), Temazepam (normison), Flurazepam (dalmane), Nitrazepam (mogadon), Xanax (Alprazolam). There are many more in this class of drugs.

Generic Names: Enwau Generig: Minor tranquilisers

An example of what Benzodiazepines looks like
Tablets, capsules.

Desired Effects:

Relaxation, reduced anxiety, euphoria.

Side Effects:

Drowsiness, light-headedness, loss of coordination, confusion.
    short term effects

    Short term risks

    Tolerance, accidents, potential for overdose if combined with alcohol.

    desired effects

    Desired risks

    Relaxation, reduced anxiety, euphoria.

    long term effects

    Long term risks

    Dependence, withdrawal symptoms , agoraphobia, panic attacks, severe anxiety.

    Long term risks:

    Dependence, severe withdrawal symptoms if suddenly stopped, agoraphobia, panic attacks, severe anxiety.

    Short term risks:

    Tolerance, accidents, potential for overdose if combined with alcohol. Rohypnol has been implicated in a number of drug-assisted rape cases where the drug has been supplied into someone's drink without them knowing.
    Central nervous system depressant, sedative, anticonvulsant.
    If tablets are crushed and injected: needles & syringes, water, matches or lighter, spoon, tourniquet.
    To treat restlessness, depression, tension and anxiety; to induce sleep; as a muscle relaxant; as a pre-surgery sedative, as an anti-convulsant drug, psychiatric disorders and withdrawal from alcohol.
    Diverted from manufacturers, pharmacies and GPs prescriptions.
    Benzodiazepines are highly physically addictive drugs. Withdrawal symptoms may be very severe, even life threatening, if use is just stopped. It is very important that any Benzodiazepine is reduced gradually using a reduction programme. GPs might be the first port of call for someone wanting to reduce or come off these drugs and a GP can prescribe a reduction scheme to gradually wean off. A GP may also refer to a community drug service or ‘street agency’ to provide additional support in the way of information and advice, counselling, and sometimes support groups and complementary therapies such as acupuncture. Some services have extended working hours and may offer weekend support.

    Parents & other relatives

    Many drug agencies also provide lots of advice and support to parents, family members and partners of people using drugs. They may provide relative support groups or advice, guidance and counselling on a one to one basis.
