
  • Turkish
  • Afghani
  • Paki black
  • Nepalese
  • Morrocan
  • Leb
  • Lebansese
  • Thai Sticks
  • Temble balls
  • Ted seal
  • Zero zero
  • Haze
  • Northern lights
  • Bhang
  • Sens
  • Sensi
  • Sensimillia
  • Skunk
  • Black
  • Indica
  • Hash
  • Hashish
  • Hemp
  • Herb
  • Rocky
  • Gold seal
  • Draw
  • Bush
  • Blow
  • Ganja
  • Dope
  • Pot
  • Resin
  • Marijuana
  • Temple Balls
  • Red Seal
  • Wacky Backy
  • Zero Zero
  • Haze
  • Northern Lights
  • Bhang
  • Sens
  • Sensi
  • Sensimilla
  • Skunk
  • Black
  • Indica
  • Grass
  • Gold Seal
  • Bob (Hope)
  • Blow
  • Puff
  • Ganja
  • Shit
  • Weed

Drugs A-Z

Scientific Names: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica

Generic Names: Enwau Generig: Cannabis, marijuana

An example of what Cannabis looks like
As the dried plant (herbal) ranging in colour from light green to brown, occasionally containing small grey/brown seeds.

As an extract of the plant (resin), a hard lump or block ranging in colour from light brown to black.

As a thick, sticky oil, which may look dark green, brown or black.

Desired Effects:

Relaxation, euphoria, hilarity.

Side Effects:

Anxiety, paranoia, confusion, low blood pressure, short term memory loss, increased appetite (munchies).
    short term effects

    Short term risks

    Confusion, memory loss, paranoia. Resin can be 'cut' with other substances to bulk it out.

    desired effects

    Desired risks

    Relaxation, euphoria, hilarity.

    long term effects

    Long term risks

    Habituation, paranoia, damage to lung tissue, risk of developing mental health problems.

    Long term risks:

    Habituation, paranoia, damage to lung tissue, risk of developing mental health problems.

    Short term risks:

    Confusion, memory loss, paranoia, laziness. Resin, like other drugs, can be 'cut' with other substances to bulk it out. The effects and health risks associated with this are difficult to determine depending what goes in to the resin mix. Substances like boot polish, animal dung and other drugs have been known to be added to cannabis resin.
    Mild hallucinogenic.
    Usually smoked in a hand-made cigarette called a joint, j, reefer or spliff. It is often mixed with tobacco, or in a pipe or water pipe (bong). Other, home-made, devices may also be used for smoking, such as Hot Knives, where a piece of cannabis is heated between two blades and the smoke drawn off through a hollow tube or 'bottle-neck'. It can also be baked in cakes or other foods and eaten.
    Tobacco, cigarette papers (Rizlas or skins), cardboard (used for the tip, known as a roach), pipes or bongs.
    The earliest recorded medical use of cannabis was in China, 4,000 years ago, and many cultures have valued its medicinal properties since. Nowadays, synthetic forms, known as marinol and nabilone, are sometimes used as an anti-emetic to control nausea and vomiting in cancer patients. Proponents believe that cannabis could be used to beneficial effect in a range of illnesses from glaucoma to multiple sclerosis (MS). Medical cannabis is prescribed for nausea, pain and alleviation of symptoms surrounding chronic illness, but its use remains controversial. Low level THC and other cannabinoids have been shown to have analgesic, anti-spasmodic, anti-convulsant, anti-tremor, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic and appetite-stimulant properties. Research is ongoing into the medical effects of cannabinoids.

    Industrial use
    Hemp - cannabis cultivated for industrial use - does not contain an amount of THC to produce any intoxicating effect, even in significant quantities. Hemp is used for fibres used in the paper and textile industries, biodegradable plastics, health foods, and fuels.
    Cannabis grows in many parts of the world. See the map, but the main centres of commercial production include north and west Africa, south America, middle and far East. Increasingly being grown indoors in Europe. The main psychoactive ingredient of cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
    Most areas of the UK have ‘street agencies’ or projects (sometimes called community drug services or community drug teams) which offer a range of services including information and advice, counselling, and sometimes support groups and complementary therapies such as acupuncture. Some services have extended working hours and may offer weekend support. If use of this substance becomes a problem you can seek help, advice and counselling from a service in your area. GPs can make referrals to specialist drug services.

    Parents & other relatives

    Drug agencies also provide lots of advice and support to parents of people using these drugs. Many street agencies can provide relative support groups or counselling for family members, partners etc.
