Magic Mushrooms

  • Liberties
  • Liberty Caps
  • Magics
  • Mushies
  • Shrooms
  • Psilocybe Semilanceata

Drugs A-Z

Scientific Names: Psilocybe Semilanceata

Generic Names: Enwau Generig: Liberty Cap

An example of what Magic Mushrooms looks like
Small white mushrooms in their natural state, brown when dried, with a distinctive nipple on the cap. Active ingredients: Psilocybin & Psilocin.

Desired Effects:

Similar to LSD i.e. hallucinations and hilarity - but shorter-acting, 3-7 hours depending on how many are taken.

Side Effects:

Confusion, disorientation, loss of coordination, nausea, distortions in time and space, dizziness. Hallucinogens unpredictable and subjective in their nature and symptoms can vary.
    short term effects

    Short term risks

    Accidents whilst under the influence, anxiety, emotional distress, Poisoning.

    desired effects

    Desired risks

    Hallucinations and hilarity - but shorter-acting, 3-7 hours depending on how many are taken.

    long term effects

    Long term risks

    Risk of triggering underlying psychological problems. Can create short term increases in tolerance.

    Long term risks:

    As with other hallucinogenic substances there may be some risk of triggering underlying psychological problems. Not physically addictive although they can create short term increases in tolerance.

    Short term risks:

    Accidents whilst under the influence, anxiety, emotional distress (i.e. bad-trip). Poisoning, by accidentally picking a more toxic variety of mushroom.
    Eaten or brewed into a tea.
    Psilocybin mushrooms grow in all parts of Britain during the autumn. Users may go on a picking spree during this time, dry the mushrooms and store for later use. Some are sold on the illicit market when out of season.
    Most areas of the UK have 'street agencies' or projects (sometimes called community drug services or community drug teams) which offer a range of services including information and advice, counselling, and sometimes support groups and complementary therapies such as acupuncture. Some services have extended working hours and may offer weekend support. If use of this substance becomes a problem you can seek help, advice and counselling from a service in your area. GPs can make referrals to specialist drug services.

    Parents & other relatives

    Many drug agencies also provide lots of advice and support to parents, family members and partners of people using drugs. They may provide relative support groups or advice, guidance and counselling on a one to one basis.
